
High Density Foam Roller

Power Systems foam rollers are frequently used to release tight muscles and trigger points by everyone from professional athletes and physical therapists, to people just beginning a new fitness regimen to help make their workouts more effective.

  • Stimulates blood flow and improves circulation to the body’s soft tissues.
  • Lengthens and loosens tight muscles
  • Can also be used to improve balance and core strength

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Product Description

You can find foam rollers in a variety of lengths and firmness’s. Low-cost open-celled foam rollers are made of simple polyethylene foam and are lowest in density. The best foam roller is typically blue or green and is made from special closed-cell polyethylene foam, making them firmer and allowing for a more thorough muscle massage. The better quality of the special closed-cell foam in a high-density foam roller provides superior, durable support while feeling soft on the skin. A high-density exercise foam roller is specially designed for frequent use, is resistant to moisture and bacteria, and lasts up to 5 times longer than an open-celled foam roller. It can easily be wiped down with a damp cloth.


  • Closed-cell polyethylene foam for firmness
  • Moisture resistant and long-lasting
  • Available in three lengths: 12 inches, 18 inches, and 36 inches, in both round and half-round versions.
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